6 Tips to Launch White label or Private label dropshipping Successfully

China Sourcing Made Easy

Product sourcing by China sourcing company. Our connections are yours when you need a product sourcing in China. Find the best price factory from over 400 Verified Manufacturers & Suppliers.
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Product Sourcing Agents in China

Sourcing quality products with the best prices from China

E-commerce sourcing China

As the best China sourcing agent, we help you find factories, get competitive prices, follow up on production, ensure quality, and deliver products to your doorstep. We have built relationships for product sourcing in China with a wide network of over 400 high-quality suppliers of hot-selling ecommerce products from categories such as electronics, clothing, health & beauty, sports, outdoor, fitness equipment, home, garden, & kitchen, toys & games, and pet products. We are continually improving our custom product sourcing service by vetting and expanding our pool of product suppliers, and work diligently to source the exact products our clients are looking for. The experienced and bilingual team of our sourcing company in China will locate most products within 24 hours at the right price, quantity, and quality that our clients specify.

Network of over 400 high-quality suppliers.

Bilingual sourcing team with excellent communication.

Product customization with low MOQ requirement.

Branded Packaging Solution.

Why choose us?

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Network of trusted suppliers

We have a wide network of over 400 legitimate and trusted factories and suppliers of hot-selling ecommerce products from categories such as electronics, health & beauty, sports, outdoor, fitness equipment, clothing, home, garden, & kitchen, toys & games, and pet products. Compared to sourcing from AliExpress or Alibaba, sourcing directly from the original Chinese factories can ensure the best pricing, highest quality, quickest production time, and adequate stocks.

E-commerce Express verifies suppliers CE, FDA, RoHS, etc. certification compliance for a no-fuss, no-worry sourcing experience for our clients. For custom (private label) products, we can help with applying for patents and certificates as per our clients’ requests.

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Excellent communications

One of the frustrations online sellers experience when product sourcing in China, is communicating with non-English speaking suppliers and manufacturers in order to secure accuracy in the kind and number of products they need to fulfill customer orders.

We assign each client a dedicated sourcing manager that is bilingual in English and Chinese and can get you friendly expertise when you need it. Our bilingual sourcing experts take the time to develop a thorough understanding of our clients’ needs, then we communicate with suppliers to secure the desired quality products at competitive prices within expedient lead times. Our instant communication channels assist us to answer client’s questions or solve the issues in 24 hours. Maintaining excellent communication with our clients and their suppliers is a top priority at E-commerce Express!

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Product sample evaluation

After your sample is delivered at our warehouse in Shenzhen, we will arrange a professional quality control check for you. We will present you an evaluation report containing the real pictures of your product and its features and materials. E-commerce Express highly recommends the client to order samples to check the quality of the product by himself before placing a volume order.

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Branded product and packaging

Private labeling is an effective way of scaling an ecommerce business through customization. E-commerce Express Product Customization Services provide our clients with a wide range of options and opportunities to bring uniqueness to their line of products with low Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ), fast lead times, and competitive pricing. We offer complete branding solutions, from white label products-repackaging a generic product, to private label products-getting your logo seen on the product, making color change, repackaging the product with your own package, and designs of products that distinguish our clients from other online sellers.

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Customized unboxing experience

Our clients have the option to design a unique and branded unboxing experience for their customers, and we take care of every detail to take their concept to fruition. From custom boxes (branded boxes), custom mailer bags, unique packing materials such as tissue papers, and requested environmentally friendly and impact-protection materials, to stickers, coupons, and marketing inserts, we can source and utilize the elements our clients envision that will have their delivered parcels stand out from the competition.

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Ideal location

E-commerce Express warehouse facilities and fulfillment centers are located in the city of Shenzhen ‘the first e-commerce model city’ that promotes ecommerce development. Shenzhen is in close proximity to a large contingent of suppliers for optimal product sourcing in China—this not only affords us access to a vast selection of products, but it also gives our quality control staff easy access for onsite verification and inspection of suppliers’ facilities, and it ensures fast delivery of products to our clients’ customers.

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Low minimum order quantity (MOQ)

We provide our clients with a wide range of options and opportunities to bring uniqueness to their line of products with low minimum order quantity, fast lead time, and competitive pricing.

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Hassle-free Import

Our duty-free eCommerce fulfillment made international shipping easy. Fast and affordable international shipping for DTC and B2C brands, and global delivery for bulk orders with air or LCL/FCL ocean freight.

Your Go-To China Sourcing Company

Product sourcing company

Product sourcing is an important part of running a wholesale or retail business. Whether you have an online store or offline channels, you need to find the right products to sell. This means seeking the right suppliers, making purchases, and then reselling those items. Working with a custom product sourcing service can help you make the most of the situation, allowing you to source directly from competent suppliers. This is where our team at E-Commerce Express comes into the picture.


As a leading custom product sourcing service in China, we have a vast network comprising over 400 verified suppliers and manufacturers. We can connect you with relevant stakeholders, ensuring you have access to custom products for your store. You can count on efficient operations and reliable sources when you work with our custom product sourcing service.

Ready to help your business stand out with customized merchandise and inventory? Get in touch with our China sourcing company today!

Who are our clients?

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Who need an all-in-one dropshipping supplier that can simplify their product sourcing and fulfillment processes and avoid problems with shipping.

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DTC & B2C Brands

Who need a professional China sourcing company that can help them create a brand with private label products and let their customers remember who they are.

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Importers & Wholesalers

Who want to find a reliable China purchasing agent that verify suppliers, work closely with factories, conduct quality checks, buy products in bulk at factory prices in China with no risk of getting scammed, and deliver to their doorsteps safely with duty paid.

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Amazon FBA Entrepreneurs

Who need an Amazon FBA wholesale supplier that can source product in bulk at factory prices in China, develop, and brand your products and ship them directly to Amazon fulfillment centers with duty paid.

Frequently Asked Questions

Even though it has grown into the world’s 2nd largest economy conducting business in China is still a process fraught with unknowns. If your venture is to be a success you need someone on your side with extensive experience in the country. Someone who understands and can successfully navigate the bureaucracy, who speaks the language and who is culturally sensitive. At E-Commerce Express we provide all of those things as well as decades of combined experience helping clients from all over the world surmount their logistical challenges.

We have boots on the ground in China and have for some time. Our warehouse and fulfilment centre is located in Shenzhen, one of the first Chinese cities to embrace free market reforms nearly 40 years ago. We’re close to a wide variety of suppliers capable of making quality products to serve a multitude of needs. Our proximity to so many manufacturers also makes it easier for us to implement and oversee QC measures on behalf of our clients, and to nurture relationships with the top manufacturers, all to the benefit of our customers.

Of course. If it is important that the Chinese factory has specific certifications we will find one that matches your needs. Whether you require the factory to have certain ISO certifications or a Green Factory Certification or other technical or environmental credentials we will go out of our way to accommodate your needs at every turn. All we ask is that you make this clear early on in our conversations so we can locate the right factory as quickly as possible.

We understand the importance of intellectual property to companies working with foreign manufacturers and work tirelessly to ensure your important information is protected at every stage of the sourcing process. We make sure all manufacturers sign customised Non-Disclosure (NDA) and Non-Disclosure, Non-Use and Non-Circumvention (NNN) agreements in both English and Chinese before we engage in any substantive talks.

Don't just take our word for it, hear it from the people who chose us


Since we actually started with selling the product and having that product fulfilled by E-commerce Express, we saw instantly this was the future of our business.


Communication is excellent, really really easy to communicate, punctual on time and fair, if you are thinking about using E-commerce Express, I absolutely recommend them.


Trust is more important thing in the business, and for my case I bet all my trust in the E-commerce Express team, and I am not disappointed.

E-commerce Tips & Industry Insights

You Deserve A Trustworthy And Reliable Backend Team For Your Online Business.


An E-commerce Express Expert will help you throughout the entire process.

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See How We Help You Scale Your Online Business to a Next Level


Tailor-Made Sourcing Solution | Automated Order Fulfillment | Exclusive Shipping Lines


You Deserve A Business Partner That Can Help You With:



Getting full control over your supply chain and building your brand with custom solutions.


Order Processing

Automating your order processing to increase its efficiency and accuracy.



Expediting your shipping times and reducing your shipping rates and tariff exposure.

Level up your supply chain and logistics with E-commerce Express: Your all-in-one China-based dropshipping agent & supply chain solution.


Contact Us

Building 427 - 542Y, Bagualing Industrial Zone, No. 47 Bagua Road, Hualin Community, Yuanling Street, Futian District, Shenzhen

©2023. E-commerce Express. All Rights Reserved


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